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KNEL-AM & FM cover the Heart of Texas and Northwest Hill Country including Mc Culloch, Mason, Menard, Concho, San Saba, and portions of Brown and Llano Counties. KNEL is committed to serving its listeners with complete coverage of news, sports, weather, agriculture and community affairs.

KNEL Multimedia utilizing the website delivers an average of 95,000 unique user sessions… and more than 238,000 page views per month

Your Advertising Dollar is expanded to more markets, more potential customers at a lower price, than any other medium available.

KNEL Coverage Map

KNEL Radio and KNEL Multimedia are a daily part of the lives of the citizens in the Heart of Texas and Northwest Hill Country…and our community has come to rely on KNEL as the only daily source for local news across the area, with First, Fair and Accurate reports on the lives and actions of the communities we serve.

With a range of multimedia options, KNEL’s reach has been multiplied in ways that far exceed those of traditional media… with tools and methods that are both expansive and measurable.

  • On-the-Air Radio – KNEL-AM and KNEL-FM Online Broadcasting
  • Live Streaming of KNEL Radio On-Line On-Demand Rebroadcasts
  • Replay of programs from the Archives Online Digital Marketing
  • Digital Ads on the website
  • Full Page Business Directories
  • Social Media Marketing Programs


Reach Out to Us

Do you still have questions or are you ready to start generating more traffic to your business?  Fill out the form and one of our sales associates will be in touch as soon as possible.