The Rochelle School announced Wednesday footbal game between Rochelle Hornets and May that had been planned for Friday night has been rescheduled for Saturday,...
Rochelle ISD Superintendent, Matthew Fields, told KNEL Monday afternoon that classes at Rochelle School will resume on Tuesday after the school was closed on...
McCulloch and Mason County Commissioners each held their regular meetings on Monday.McCulloch County Commissioners began with a discussion about remodeling the old jail for...
At their meetings on Monday, both the McCulloch and Mason County Commissioners Courts voted to implement Burn Bans in their Countyies.Mason County Judge...
At their regularly scheduled meeting Tuesday night, the Brady City Council will be holding the second and final readings of three ordinances granting requested...
At their meeting on Monday, McCulloch County Commisssioners voted to approve including salary increases for the County'selected officials in the proposed budget for FY...
KNEL and Destination Ford took nominations for an Above and Beyond Volunteer during July.KNEL announced the recipient of the 2024 Above and Beyond Volunteer...
McCulloch County Commissioners met in a Special Session Monday morning, with just three items on the agenda.The major issue addressed by Commissiones was authorizing...