Mon, Jul 1 at 1:30pm - Wed, Jul 17 at 11:00am

The Brady/McCulloch County Chamber of Commerce will present its 3rd Quarter “Good News Lunch” on Wednesday, July 17 at the TruCountry Inn in the Bluebonnet Ballroom.

The lunch is scheduled to begin at 11:30am, with the program starting at 1:00pm.

The 3rd Quarter Good News Lunch is being sponsored by Commercial National Bank.

At the lunch, the focus is on positive things happening in Brady and McCulloch County, with presentations by representatives of the Chamber, local and county government, schools, charitable organizations and local businesses.

The public is invited to attend these informative networking events to learn more about the Good News in the community. The program will also be broadcast live starting at 12:00pm on 1490 KNEL-AM and On-Line at

A catered meal is provided. Tickets for the Lunch are $15 for Chamber members, $20 for future members. The Chamber would appreciate an RSVP by 12 Noon on Tuesday, July 16.