Sun, Jan 19 from 3:30pm to 3:30pm

Both the Mighty Mason Puncher Band and Famed Brady Bulldog Band are coming up within the next two weeks, and KNEL will be  broadcasting the annual events live.

The Band Auctions are held each year by the parents and supports of the two Band programs as means to raise money for a variety of needs — repair of existing equipment and help with the purchase of new instruments; some travel expenses related to enabling students to participate in the  band and individual competitions throughout the year.

Mighty Mason Puncher Band Auction Sat. ,  January 25th.

The annual Mason Band  Auction will get underway at 9:15am on this coming Saturday, and will be broadcast live on 95.3 KNEL-FM and The Band Auction will also be available live on the MMPB Facebook page.

The Band Auction will be held in the “Main Band Hall” and will be available for viewing before and during the auction. Mason High School students, along with parent and staff volunteer, will be handling the on-the-air auction activities.

Several students from Mason High will be guests on KNEL’s Morning Program Monday, Jan. 20 between 8-9am to provide details and highlights of he upcoming Might Mason Puncher Band Auction.

Famed Brady Bulldog Band Auction – Sat. – Feb 1st

This year’s Famed Brady Bulldog Radio Auction will the anniversary that began 51 years ago when KNEL and a group of Band supporters joined to raise funds for the Band program. Each year, the FBBB Band Auction features a wide variety of home-made and hand-made items, food of all descriptions, donations of gifts and products from local businesses and, always, special gifts from alumni.

The FBBB Live Auction will be aired on 1490 KNEL-AM, live on, and the Auction will be Live Streamed on the FBBB Boosters Facebook page.

In addition to the Live auction, Feb. 1st will also be Sonic Day when a portion of the day’s proceeds and tips for carhopping Band Members are also donated to the Boosters program.