Fri, Jul 19 at 3:30pm - Wed, Oct 30 at 3:30pm

The Mason County Courthouse  — restored to its former glory and elegance — was rededicated on Saturday, July 13th.

In conjunction with the Rededication Ceremonies, KNEL and The Commercial Bank in Mason produced a 26-minute video with Mason County Judge Sheree Harden and former County Judge Jerry Bearden providing a Walk Through of the restored Mason County Courthouse.

Sponsored by The Commercial Bank, the video is a guided tour of the restored Courthouse with Judges Harden and Bearden showing each area and providing additional information about the building and the restoration process.

The Judges’ Walk Through Video can be viewed here on  by clicking on the Mason Courthouse Tab. It is also available for viewing on the KNEL Radio You Tube channel, and through the KNEL Facebook page.

(Mason County Courthouse Judges’ Walk Through video produced by Kyle Martin at Jackrabbit Studios in Mason.)