The status of the construction of the City of Brady’s new water project was the primary focus of the City Council meeting Tuesday night.
Referred to as the Radium Reduction Project, the overall benefits to the City will include significantly reducing the radium level in Brady’s water while also providing for improvement in water quality and water pressure throughout the City.
A presentation for the Council by engineers with the construction contractor and the City outlined the history of the project and explained that COVID and supply chain shortages had caused the project to now be roughly one year behind the original schedule. They also outlined current plans for getting the project finished over the next year.
Because of changes and delays, the Council authorized amending the agreement with the engineering contractor.
Also on the Brady Council agenda Tuesday was approval of contracts for improvements to the City overhead powerline system.
The City Council then spent some time discussing a procedure for the sale of certain City-owned properties. The City has identified several properties and has gotten appraisals for them. One of those is the old hospital lot on South Elm which the City now has because of tax liens in the past. The Council decided to list the sale of the property with local real estate brokers, The appraised value of that property is $12,000,
Brady Council concluded their meeting with an executive session for consultation with the City Attorney on possible mitigation, and to approve the appointment by Mayor Groves of Randy Barren as Interim Police Chief.