Work is still underway on the new sanctuary for Rochelle Baptist Church. We had the opportunity to chat with Terry Beard from Rochelle who has been chronicling the progress from start to finish.
Beard told us they are “just getting the outside of the building finished up with the roofing last week and working to finish rocking the columns on the front entrance as well. Still have a way to go on the inside – sheet rock is up, being taped and floated, and ready to be painted. The flooring and HVAC system need to be installed with interior door and trim work yet to be completed and bathrooms still need to be finished up.”
Beard also said, “The Audio and electrical systems along with the septic system are still in the works. There is outside clean up from rocking the building and dirt work that needs to be done as well as completing the sidewalks and drop off access. Also, need to finish painting on the outside of the building.” He added there is no date set yet for completion and opening the sanctuary for services, but it is in the planning stage.
It has been about a year and a half since the previous sanctuary was destroyed by fire in July of 2022. The groundbreaking for the new sanctuary was held August 6th, 2023.
NOTE – Photo above by James Beard. Photos below by James Griffin.