Brady City Mgr. Reports On “State of the City”


At the Brady City Council meeting Tuesday night, Brady City Manager, Erin Corbell, presented a report on the “State of the City’ as the new year begins.

In her report, the City Manager highlighted accomplishments of the past year and looked ahead to key projects and goals for 2024. One of the important accomplishments she noted was a $32 million balanced budget and a tax rate almost unchanged over the past three years at .34 cents per $100 valuation.

Included in the City’s $32 million budget is $3.7 million to be used for completing the upgrading of the drinking water and waste water construction projects. Both projects are expected to be finished within the year.

Other projects for 2024 identified by the City Manager included a start on remodeling facilities for the Police and Fire Departments; completing the sale of Dodge Heights lots; updating the City’s comprehensive plan to include a Parks Master Plan; and the possible sale of the electric substations and the gas division.

Action items on the Council agenda Tuesday included approval of the second and final reading of an ordinance allowing for open consumption of alcohol on the sidewalks adjacent to the TruCounty Inn at 202 W. Main St. The Council also approved the first reading of an ordinance repealing an existing ordinance regarding a Youth Curfew.