McCulloch Comm. Takes No Action On Proposed City-County EMS Agreement


McCulloch County Commissioners held a Special Session Thursday at 10am to consider and act on approving an inter-local agreement between the City of Brady and McCulloch County for Emergency Services.

The discussion began with County Judge Frank Trull indicating that from his standpoint, the situation is that an Inter-Local Agreement included a provision that it would automatically renew on September 1st of each year. And, Judge Trull notes that since the agreement had not been terminated by either part since 2020, the agreement was automatically renewed on the 1st of the month and there is a current inter-local agreement in place between the City and County.

Judge Trull also points out the agreement signed initially in 2020 specifies the County will pay the City 12 one-half percent of the EMS net operating costs. The Judge added that the County had increased that amount to 15% since then.

The judge said the City Council has proposed a new inter-local agreement with new terms and a change in the expiration date.

Also, Commissioners indicate they are not happy with what they refer to as a “take it or leave it” attitude by the Council and an unwillingness to negotiate the issue.

The Commission voted to take no action on the proposed agreement, with both parties continuing to operate under the terms of the current inter-local arrangement. At the same time, they will continue to review the proposal and seek to negotiate the issue with the City.

Thus far,  the Brady City Council has held firm on its determination that $213,000 is the County’s 16% share of the 2021 EMS operating costs. The County had previously offered $198,000.