Deans, Corbell Tell Good News Lunch “EMS Will Be Resolved”


At the Brady/McCulloch County Chamber of Commerce 4th Quarter “Good News” lunch Wednesday, a representative from McCulloch County and the City of Brady each offered reassurances the current standoff between the City and County over EMS funding will be resolved.

County Commissioner Randy Deans and Brady City Manager Erin Corbell each spoke at the Good News lunch and each touched on EMS funding.   Deans and Corbell both expressed optimism that differences will be resolved, and both reassured City and County residents that services will be maintained for all McCulloch and Brady citizens.

In his comments, Commissioner Deans referred to the current back and forth between the City and County as akin to differences between siblings.  He added that his goal is to be part of the first group to resolve a subject that has been an issue for 30 years.  “We can get it resolved,” Deans said, “and we can get it accomplished. ”

Corbell indicted she believes the present impasse will get resolved because all concerned want to serve the County and City and to continue to provide quality service to the County.