McCulloch County Commissioners began their Jan. 8 session with approval of requests from Central Texas Telepone Cooperative for permission for road bores and for burying fiber optic cables in a number of locations in Precinct 4.
Commissioners also approved an Inter-Local agreement with Tom Green County for detention of juvenile offenders, and approval for the County to apply for a Law Enforcement grant.
Also on the Commissioners’ agenda was approval of a resolution supporting an application by the Millersview-Doole Water Supply Corp. for a U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Rural Development grant.
Commissioners also approved moving ahead with soliciting bids again for design and remodeling for two restrooms at the County Clerk’s and Tax Assessor’s offices.
They concluded the meeting with an Executive Session for consultation with the County Attorney with regard to tax abatement agreements with Rattlesnake Power and Texas Wind L.L.C.