Groves, Phillips Sworn In At Brady Council Meeting


At the Brady Council meeting Tuesday night, the Council carried out the task of canvassing the vote from the May 4th Local election.  Next, was the administration of the oath of office for Tony Groves as Mayor and Terry Phillips at the City Council Member for Place 1.

Groves had been unopposed in the May 4 election. Phillips won election to the City Council by defeating opponent Chris Martin.

Next on the Council schedule was a brief adjournment in order to extend special recognition and thanks for their service to outgoing Mayor Aaron Garcia and City Council Member Larry Land.

Other items on the Council agenda Tuesday included the second and final reading of an ordinance granting a zoning change from Single-Family Residential to Manufactured Home District for the Dodge Heights subdivision at Brady Lake.

At the request of Council Members Gabe Moreno and Feliz Gomez, Tim Walker made a presentation to the Council regarding the Brady Golf Course Water Well.

Economic Development Corporation Director, Daniel Mendoza, updated the Council on the current status of EDC loans,