The McCulloch and Mason County Commissioners’ Courts each held regular sessions on Monday morning, Sept. 25th.
McCulloch County:
McCulloch County Commissioners began their meeting with discussion of the requirement for the County to have a current Hazardous Mitigation plan in place.
Among other items on the Commissioners’ agenda was approval of a proclamation designating October 1-7 as National 4-H Week, and a request for Brady Elementary students to use the District Courtroom on Dec. 4th for singing Christmas Carols.
Other items on the agenda included an inter-local agreement with San Saba County for housing inmates in the McCulloch County Jail; approving the Treasurers Third Quarter Report and the County Investment Policy for 2023-24; and approving going out for bids for remodeling restrooms at the County Clerk’s office.
Commissioners adjourned into an executive session for discussions regarding bridge inspection reports for all precincts and planning for repairs.
Following the executive session, Commissioners reconvened for a Workshop devoted to McCulloch County Subdivision and Land Development regulations.
Mason County:
At their Monday meeting, Mason County Commissioners first received the annual Audit Report from the County’s independent auditor, Neffendorf and Blocker.
Other items considered included a resolution authorizing a County match for the Texas Dept. of Agriculture Delivered Meals grants; the use of COVID-19 funds to purchase fuel pumps; and approving inter-local agreements with Hill Country Transit District and with McCulloch County for prisoner housing.
Also on the agenda for Mason Commissioners was consideration of reinstating the 90-day Burn Ban.