McCulloch, Mason County Commissioners Met Monday


McCulloch and Mason County Commissioners each held their regular meetings on Monday.

McCulloch County Commissioners began with a discussion about remodeling the old jail for storage and possibly to be used for office space. They also discussed a request from the Rochelle ISD for the County to conduct any road studies needed on 5th and 6th Streets in the vicinity of the Rochelle School.

Action items on the McCulloch County agenda include approval of a notice for proposed salaries and expenses for elected officials to be published on Wednesday, Sept. 18.  Commissioners also be approved scheduling of public hearings on the County budget and tax rate on Sept. 18th.

Also approved by Commissioners was authorizing the County Judge to apply for the Rural Sheriff’s Office Salary Adjustment grant for 2025. Commissioners tabled action on a grant for funding a Mental Health Deputy in the Sheriff’s Dept. until the next Court meeting in order to further review the cost associated with the grant.

Mason County Commissioners  heard a presentation by the Alcohol and Drug Awareness Center for the Concho Valley.

Also to be considered for approval by Mason Commissioners will be the Cafeteria Plan administrator for Mason County employees; approval of an agreement with Guadalupe County for Juvenile Detention Services; and acknowledging the hiring of a new Jailer/Dispatcher.