McCulloch, Mason County, Mason City Meetings Scheduled This Week


McCulloch County Commissioners  – 9:00am Monday.

Among the items on the McCulloch County Commissioners agenda will be a discussion of a floating position employee and a request from the Rochelle ISD for flashing lights on 20MPH signs on approaches to the school.

Action items will include consideration allowing sale of fireworks over Memorial Day, technology upgrades for County offices and the allocation of funds from several different sources.

Mason County Commissioners – 8:45am Monday at the Eckert Memorial Library

On the agenda for Mason Commissioners will be the Quarterly Investment report, EMS management software, a request from the City of Mason and a discussion of plans for Law Enforcement’s fleet.

Mason City Commission – 4:00pm and 5:30pm Monday

Mason City Commission will be holding two Special meetings on Monday.

The first, at 4:00pm, will include the canvassing of the vote from the May 4th Local Election, followed by the administration of the oath of office for the Mayor and District 1 and 3 Commissioners.

At that meeting, the City Commission will also hold an Executive Session regarding the hiring process of a new City Administrator.

The second meeting, at 5:30pm, will include discussion an action on a zoning variance request, and discussion and action on an Inter-Local Agreement with Mason County regarding the Mason Rodeo Arena.