McCulLoch, Mason County Commissioners’ Courts Meet Monday


McCulloch County and Mason County Commissioners’ Courts will meet for their regularly scheduled sessions on Monday, Jan. 13th.

McCulloch County Commissioners will consider approving a letter to be sent to FEMA requesting to modify the scope of work for two projects for Flood Damaged roads in Precinct 4.

Commissioners will also consider approving a line item transfer $5,00 from the old jail renovation project to a line item for the Haven Family Shelter to help it provide client hygiene and food purchases during the next year.

McCulloch Commissioners will also consider going into an Executive Session for consultations with the County Attorney regarding the Rattlesnake Power and Heart of Texas Wind tax abatement agreement compliance.

Mason County Commissioners will begin their meeting with approval of the final payment to Stoddard Enterprise for the Mason County Rebuild Project. Also a part of the agenda will be approval of a plan for the Courthouse trees.

Among the items to be addressed will be hiring and classifying a 4-H Program Assistant; reclassifying the Road & Bridge Office Manager from part-time to full-time; and giving permission to purchase a Law Enforcement vehicle using Covid 19 funds.