The McCulloch County Junior Livestock got underway Thursday evening with the Rabbit Show, followed on Friday with the exhibition of all the remaining animals. Then, on Saturday, the wrap-up came with the Annual Show Auction that included a total of 78 4-H and FFA exhibitors.
Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Exhibitors included.
The Grand Champion Steer was shown by Payton Nuncio, with the Reserve Champion Steer exhibited by Madison Thurmon.
Payton Nuncio was also the exhibitor of the Grand Champion Heifer, with Kayla Davis showing the Reserve Champion.
The Grand Champion Market Hog was shown by Braelyn Brandenberger. Exhibiting the Reserve Champion Market Hog was Cooper Owens.
Kollyns Brandenberger exhibited both the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Gilts.
Flora Appleton exhibited both the Grand Champion Lamb and the Grand Champion Ewe. the Reserve Champion Ewe was shown by Gracen Williams.
The Grand Champion Market Goat was shown by Gracen Williams, with the Reserve Champion exhibited by Charlea Williams.
Charles Williams exhibited the Grand Champion Breeding Meat Goat,
The Grand Champion Angora Goat was shown by Trey Evans.
Analea Valdez was the exhibitor of the Grand Champion Fryer Rabbit, with Teryn Moore showing the Reserve Champion.
The Grand Champion Breeding Rabbit was shown by Audey Ramon, with the Reserve Champion exhibited by Paisley Lay.
In the Ag Mechanics competition, Gage Behrens won the Grand Champion award, with Trey Evens taking the Reserve Champion ribbon.
At the Premium Sale held on Saturday at the Brady Civic Center, the bidding got off to a strong start with four of the first five Grand Champion winners drawing bids totaling $10,000 or more.