The Brady/McCulloch County Chamber of Commerce hosted the group’s annual awards banquet Thursday night to thank the members and recognize outstanding citizens who have made a difference in the Community.
Lifetime Achievement Award – Dr. Joe Pace has served McCulloch County and the surrounding area since he and family moved to Brady in 1999 when he established the McCulloch County Veterinary Hospital. Dr. Pace’s daughter, Casey McBee, recounted that for 25 years, Dr. Pace cared for his clients, thier animals and livestock and devoted his life to being the best veteranarian he could possibly be.
Citizen of the Year – Although not originally from Brady, James Griffin’s tireless dedication to the community has definitely left its mark. He is know for dedicating his time to listening to citizens concerns and showing his support for the well-being of the entire community.
AgriBusines of the Year -Amy & George Greer with Winters Family Beef.
Small Business of the Year – Heart of Texas Building and Roofing.
Large Business of the Year – Chicken Express managed by Luci Lafuente
Outstanding Community Organization -McCulloch County Resource Center directed by Donna Talamantes and her team.
Public Servant of the Year – Virge Webb for his long-standing work as a member of the Brady Volunteer Fire Dept.
Outstanding Educator – Nona Parks in recognition of her work and long career at Brady Elementary.
Director of the Year – Hanna Joe Jacoby .
Community Volunteer of the Year – Rikki Gott
For the next year, the Executive Board of Directors for the Chamber will include Hanna Joe Jacoby as President; Joanna Cross, Vice-President; Lisa Moreno, Secretary; and Kathryn Wigginton as Treasurer.