McCulloch Commissioners Approve Reimbursement To Lohn VFD


As part of their meeting Monday, McCulloch County Commissioners approved a reimbursement of $15,000 to the Lohn Volunteer Fire Department for a truck mounted water tank with from COVID 19 funds received by the County.  The Lohn VFD had already paid for the new tank, and it scheduled for delivery this week. David Huie with the Lohn VFD told the Court it would be operational in approximately three weeks.

Also on the Court’s was approval of a request from the Brady Clergy Association and Brady/McCulloch County Chamber of Commerce for use of the Courthouse lawn on December 9th for the annual Christmas in the Heart activities.

The first item on the Commissioners’ agenda was approval of a request for a right-of-way permit for a buried fiber cable under County Road 152.

Commissioners will also approved an Interlocal Agreement between McCulloch County and the Region 8 Educational Center Purchasing Group.t

Final item on the Commissioners’ agenda was the canvass the County results of the Constitutional Amendment election.