Rochelle ISD To Decide On Proposed $6.75 Million Bond Issue


In the May 4th election, Rochelle ISD voters will be deciding on the fate of a $6.75 million Bond Issue proposed by the School Board.

School officials have indicated the bond election aims to address renovations to both the elementary school and the ag shop as well as updates to the gymnasium, HVAC systems and general repairs. Additional buses will be purchased to add to the fleet.

In their announcement of the call for the election, the Rochelle ISD School Board said they spent several months collecting data, evaluating options, and deriving plans to address the needs of our campus and put this bond package together. This bond package is the product of many meetings over the course of several months to study and prioritize the needs of our school district. This has been part of a process the district administration began over a year ago that included countless hours of programming meetings, facility and growth studies, as well as gathering community input.

The district’s financial advisor has determined there would be a 24 cent tax rate impact to finance $6.75 million in bonds. More information on the District’s website will be forthcoming, including a tax-impact calculator to help property owners see and understand how the bond will impact them.

Rochelle ISD encourages all eligible voters to participate in the upcoming bond election on May 4, 2024, and have their voices heard.

For more information, please visit