Traffic Stop Nets Over 1,000 Grams of Drugs, Some Packaged as Snacks


At about 2:00 am Tuesday morning, Brady Police Officer Zachary Johnson conducted a traffic stop on Hwy 87 N. A search of the vehicle revealed over 1,000 grams of THC, marijuana, and methamphetamines.

Arrested was Shelby Welker, 30, of Nederland, Texas, on three felony and two misdemeanor charges. Welker is still in custody in the McCulloch County Jail on $69,000 worth of bonds.

Brady Police reported that Texas law may consider the total weight of seized edibles to determine charges and penalties not simply the amount of THC in them. This may occur when it is impossible to determine the volume of THC oil in a product apart from its dilutant or adulterant, as it is called under the law. Reverse engineering of how an edible was created or otherwise trying to determine the percentage of THC is sometimes too difficult for laboratories to determine.

Because of this peculiarity, a large container of THC cookies could bring not only a felony charge but also up to 20 years in prison, even if their actual THC content is low.

Police note that in the photograph that several of the items are packaged similarly to snacks, candy and kids treats. Controlled substances can be dangerous if consumed by anyone, but especially by children.