At the Brady City Council meeting Tuesday, the first item on the agenda was the election of a Mayor Pro Tem for the Council. On a 4-2 vote the Council re-elected Jane Huffman to serve in that post.
After that discussion, the Council approved the second and final reading on two requests for zoning changes. The first was a request for a Special Use Permit at 1004 S. College to allow for a Bed and Breakfast in a Single Family Residential District requested by Lisa Berglund. The second was a request to change 1817 Old Mason Rd. to a Manufactured Home District. Both were approved on the 5-0 vote by the Council.
The Council will also approved the second reading of an ordinance amending the current budget to allow for municipal purposes.
After some discussion, the Council determined there is no need for changing the existing ordinance pertaining to trapping within the City limits. The discussion was prompted by a question about trapping Axis deer in the Simpson Lake Club area. There are no restrictions on trapping Axis deer since it is not a game animal.
The meeting concluded with an Executive Session to discuss personnel matters — specifically the City Manager, although no decisions were made in the session.