In actions taken at their last two meetings, McCulloch County Commissioners first voted unanimously last week to order that all outdoor burning be prohibited...
McCulloch County Commissioners will begin their meeting Monday with approval of planned changes to the County's employee insurance program.The Commissioners will consider approving funding...
On Monday, Oct. 28, McCulloch County Commissioners voted to approve impose a 30-day Burn Ban because of continuing dry conditions in the County.If the...
In response to recent rainfall and a forecast for additional rain, McCulloch County Judge, Frank Trull, issued an order Tuesday lifting the Burn Ban...
Menard County Commissioners Tuesday voted to lift the Burn Ban then in effect in the County.Mason County Judge Jerry Bearden and McCulloch County Judge...
At their meeting Monday morning, McCulloch County Commissioners discussed the question of amending the current Burn Ban to allow livestock owners to burn prickly...
McCulloch County Judge, Frank Trull, Wednesday proclaimed a state of disaster and announced the imposition of a Burn Ban in the County.Judge Trull said...