Mason ISD Interim Supt. Optimistic Although District Faces Challenges Wednesday, August 9 by Lynn FarrisSince retiring in 2013 after serving several decades in the Llano ISD, Dennis Hill is often called on to fill the Superintendent's post for...
Mason ISD Holds Special Session To Discuss Supt. Resignation Monday, May 29 by Lynn FarrisThe Mason School Board held a Special Session Tuesday, May 30th at noon to discuss the resignation of Mason ISD Superintendent, Brannon Kidd. The...
BISD Supt. Martinez Comfortable With School Security Tuesday, September 20 by Lynn FarrisAppearing on KNEL's Morning Program Tuesday, Brady School Superintendent, Dr. Hector Martinez, said he feels good about the level of security now in place...
BISD Orders Board Election For May 7, Renews Supt. Contract Thursday, January 13 by Lynn FarrisThe Brady ISD Board of Trustees ordered an Election for May 7 for Single Member Districts 4 and 6, and for the unexpired term...