The 97th celebration of Brady’s July Jubilee was held on Saturday, July 6th. The weather was perfect and the crowd for the parade, bar-b-que, mud volleyball, dance and fireworks were large and enthusiastic.
In line with tradition, the July Jubilee kicked-off with a parade through downtown Brady. Entrants in the parade began lining up on Memory Lane at 8:00am for the 10am start of the parade.
The Police sirens sounding at 10am signaled the start of the parade led by a variety of fire and emergency vehicles from Brady and surrounding communities and Volunteer Fire Departments that made its way to downtown Brady where it will make its way around the Courthouse Square. KNEL had live coverage of the July Jubilee Parade live on 95.3 KNEL-FM and live video coverage on the KNEL Facebook page.
At 11am, following the parade, Brady Methodist Church welcome the public to its 28th Annual Bar-B-Que at the Church Fellowship Hall on 3rd and Blackburn Streets. Proceeds will benefit the McCulloch County Resource Center and the McCulloch County Hunger Coalition.
Back again on Saturday afternoon was a Mud Volleyball Tournament at Brady Lake starting at 12pm sponsored by Heart of Texas Building and Roofing.
Activities Saturday evening included a dance at the Mexican Colony park that will included a large number of fireworks at 9pm.