The Brady City Council met Wednesday in a session that had been scheduled for July 2nd, but was cancelled for lack of a quorum.
The agenda for the meeting was short — but consequential — with the Council authorizing the sale of 480 acres at Brady Lake, appoving issuing revenue certificates of obligation for $680,000 for water line improvements and discussed the interlocal agreement with McCulloch County on paying for EMS services provided to the County.
One of he Council’s action items was discusson of the inter-local agreement with McCulloch County covering payment for EMS services provided to the County.
Appearing on KNEL’s Morning Program Thursday, Brady Mayor, Tony Groves, said overwhelming emphasis from the Council was to not continue the process of the past of going back-and-forth and not getting a resolution or agreement. Groves said the County has paid for EMS services in the County through the end of September.
When that date arrives, Groves indicated that if an agreement has not been reached between the City and County for the increased cost of the EMS service to the County, the Council voted to discontinue the service if the County doesn’t agree to paying what the City considers its fair share of the cost. The City has previously proposed the County pay a percentage of the EMS total cost that matches the percentage of calls made to the County.
Groves said the City did not wat to discontinue the EMS service to the County. ‘Its not a good deal for anybody,” he said.
The Brady Mayor said the bottom line is that it costs the City to provide the service. He added that if the County doesn’t pay the share the City has explained, then the City must make up the difference to keep the EMS service going. Groves said it is not fair for the City folks to have to pay for a portion of the County service.
In other action, the Council authorized publication of the City’s intent to issue revenue certificates of obligation for $680,000 as part of funding improvements to the City water system. The funds would be used as part of a $2.6 million project to upgrade water lines in the Luhr Sub-Division. The Texas Water Development Board is provding the City with a $1.5 million grant for the project, and is loaning the City the $680,000 at a low interest rate. The City will repay the loan in two years, And, according to Mayor Groves, there will be no increase in taxes or fees for Brady residents.
Following an Executive session, The Council authorized the City Manager to complete the paperwork involved in selling 480 acres owned by he City at Brady Lake. Terms of the sale will be announced once the agreement is fully finalized.