Jan. Sales Tax Rebates Up For Most Area Counties


Texas Comptroller Glen Hegar reported this week sales tax rebates of $992 million to Texas cities and counties in January — 26% higher than the same month last year.

January rebates are for taxes collected in November.

McCulloch County’s overall sales tax rebate in January totaled $164,000, 10% higher than the same month last year.  Within McCulloch County, the City of Brady’s sales tax rebate was up 12% at $112,000.

Mason County’s Jan. tax rebate was up 31% at $33,000.

In Menard County, the tax rebate for Jan. was down 4% at $31,000.

Concho County’s Jan. rebate was down 32% from last year at $26,000.

San Saba County’s rebate in Jan. is up 18% at $90,000.