Citizens and businesses across the Heart of Texas and Northwest Hill Country are joining together to provide help and relief to Panhandle residents affected by the recent wildfires.
Heart of Texas Restoration announced last week they were planing to take a load of food and supplies to the Panhandle last weekend. The business plans to be cooking for firefighters and locals in the Panhandle for as many days as the food lasts.
Prior to the trip, they asked local businesses to help in supplying food and related supplies. On Friday, they will have a large trailer at their warehouse at 1100 S. Bridge ready to be filled up, with people there from 10-5 to help with loading.
The range of supplies needed included pork for pulled pork sandwiches; hamburger meat and pattys; hot dog meat; hamburger and hot dog buns; lump charcoal; split firewood; small variety packs of chips; foil; plates; napkins; condiments; and Gatordade/Powerade.
Tri-County Panhandle Wildfire Relief – The Concho, McCulloch and Menard County AgriLife Extension Offices are organizing the collection of donations for farmers and ranchers in the Panhandles affected by the wildfires. Farm and Ranch stores in the three counties are servings as collection points for donations of money and supplies.
Participating businesses include:
Brady Feed & Fertilizer, 2820 N. Bridge, Brady
Compton Warehouse Co., 104 Frisco Ave,, Menard’
Jacoby’s Feed and Seed, 101l N. Main, Melvin
Kothmann’s Feed & Country Store, 906 US Hwy 190, Menard
Moore’s Feed and Ranch Supply, 1807 N. Bridge, Brady
Southwestern Wool & Mohair, 1202 E. Broadway, Eden
Tractor Supply, 2309 S. Bridge, Brady
Products to be donated include cattle feed/cubes; horse feed; milk replacer; fencing supplies; T-posts.
Links for donating –
Collections are being gathered from Feb. 29 through Thursday, Mar. 7