McCulloch & Mason County Commissioners’ Courts Meet Jan. 22


The McCulloch County Commissioners’ Courts will each be meeting for one of their regular meetings Monday morning.

McCulloch County
Commissioners in McCulloch County will begin their session with two discussion items — a presentation from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture on a Home Repair Program, and a review of the Annual Report the Concho Valley Alcohol and Drug Awareness Center.

Acton items for McCulloch County will include approving a maintenance agreement for the Courthouse panic system; selecting two Commissioners to attend a meeting with the Texas Dept. of Transportation Brownwood District Engineer and the City of Brady to review future transportation needs; and approving submission of a letter supporting the Concho Valley Transit in applying for a TXDot Rural Funding grant.

Mason County –
Mason County Commissioners will begin with presentation of the Mason County Historical Commissioner Annual Report, and appointing a new member to the Commission.

Commissioners will also look at approving a lease contract with the City of Mason for use of the Eckert Civic Center for temporary office space; appoving juror pay of $20 for the first day of service; approving the Mason Code of Conduct Policy; and approving the County Travel Policy.

Mason Commissioners will conclude with a Workshop on the County Nutrition Program.