Rochelle School Begins Classes Aug. 1st, Meet The Teacher Mon. July 3st


Rochelle Schools will be the first in the area to kick-off classes for the 2023-24 school year with the start of classes on Tuesday, August 1st.

Students will again be following Rochelle’s specially designed four-day week for the school year. Appearing on KNEL’s Morning Program recently, Rochelle ISD Superintendent, Matthew Fields, last year was nothing less than phenomenal where their shared goals, philosophies, and campus culture remain centered on student safety and achievement.

Rochelle ISD’s Meet the Teacher will take place Monday, July 31st starting at 6pm in the cafeteria.

(Rochelle Superintendent Matthew Fields appearance on KNEL’s Morning Program reviewing his outlook for the coming year for the School will be replayed Monday, July 3st during the Morning Program at 8:40am.)